The hospitality at Murray Grove was truly magical.
There was a retreat of Metro NY Unitarian Universalist religious educators in January. The group planned its own activities, which centered on retreat and rest and relaxation in the company of new and well-known colleagues. The program was fine. I made new friends among a remarkable group of men and women.
However, the underlying welcome, hospitality, and comfortable surroundings of Murray Grove made it all very special. It was cold and we gathered around a cheery fire in the Lodge. It was dark outside and we were cheered by subtle lights and warm colors. We were tired and slept cozily in comfortable beds. We were hungry and were fed delicious food served attractively and eaten by candle light at round tables where we could talk and listen to each other.
We baked bread in the amazingly efficient and convenient kitchen. We walked the large outdoor labyrinth in meditation. We wandered the path all the way to the bay and marveled at the changing ecological zones. We gazed at the stars in the clear night sky. We visited Thomas Potter’s chapel and grave site and remembered where our roots were.
Murray Grove made this retreat truly magical.
Rev. Carol S. Haag
Princeton, NJ